The Elements of Fire
Fire is one of the human race’s essential tools, control of which helped set it on its path to civilization. It’s a captivating, mesmerizing chemical reaction that produces light and heat. The energy of a fire is found in the rapid rearrangement of atomic bonds that occurs when combustible materials such as wood or gasoline react with oxygen, giving rise to the enigmatic dance of flames.
The elements of fire
Every form of matter—including rock, water, ice, and snow—is made up of atoms that have varying levels of binding force, or a combination of mechanical and electrical bonding. Unless those atoms have been broken apart by heat, they cannot be reassembled into the same material—they can only be transformed to something different, such as gas or a liquid. Fire is a fast chemical reaction that combines fuel and an oxidizer to release heat. If a fire has enough fuel and a continuous supply of an oxidizer, it can continue to burn.
The basic building blocks of matter are elements—atoms that have not been chemically rearranged but simply added together, such as carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. These atoms make up the fuel and oxidizer that burn in a fire, as well as everything else. When a substance has enough of the right kinds of atoms, it can be transformed into a new type of matter—such as coal or oil—by heating it. A fire’s rapid expansion of heated gases, which give it the appearance of a solid flame, produces its signature yellow-orange color.
Fire Needs the Right Combination of Element
Nature has been making fires since the planet sprouted trees, but we’re only now beginning to understand what causes them. To start, a fire needs fuel and oxygen, combined with heat, and then water to stop it when the flames get out of hand. This is referred to as the fire triangle.
When combustible fuel and oxygen meet at the proper temperature, they create fire. The flames are a visual indicator of the heated gas, while smoke and odorless, colorless toxic gases are invisible. The gases may cause lung irritation and other health problems if inhaled. They also may impede breathing and can block the lungs’ ability to absorb oxygen, causing asphyxiation—which accounts for most fire deaths, exceeding burns three to one.
If a fire starts and doesn’t get extinguished, it can spread quickly and destroy life and property. But it’s important to remember that most fires are not started by lightning or intentionally set; they result from gradual changes in weather elements and the natural cycle of plant growth and death. As average temperatures rise and rainfall decreases, plants dry up and become more flammable. This is known as wildfire season, and it is occurring year-round in some areas because of climate change. The same gradual changes are creating conditions for wildfires to spread even faster, which means they may become more destructive. A more widespread and severe wildfire will require more firefighters to combat it.